Bolivia has been a treasure in the last days of our travel. Getting out of Peru is a story in itself as the computers were down and the line wasn't moving anywhere but thanks to our handy guide and the local police we were able to make our connection.
We boarded our catamaran for 2 lovely days on Lake Titicaca in Casablanca. The border crossing into Bolivia was less than 2 minutes.

Having received a blessing from the priest on Sun island we posed for a photo opportunity. Lovely island. Would have been good to spend more time here exploring.

Back to the catamaran for yet more food!

Peaceful sunset from our cabin window. Rainy overnight but clearing in the morning.

One of the villages we visited. Had to take a small boat to this village and then rowed to the next archeological site through the reeds. Fortunately we were just passengers.

Vantage point in La Paz. Could have spent more time here too. Busy but a lovely feel. Average height above sea level: 3800m.

On one of the cable cars. Great way to travel in the city. All part of new infrastructure in the city so very new.

Medicinal herbs etc. in the witch doctor's market.

Moon valley and in the distance - the flat green area- (squint and you'll see it) the highest golf course in the world.

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