Saturday 8 June 2024

Tokyo and off to Osaka

Back in Tokyo we farewelled our fellow farm to farm travellers and enjoyed a look around at leisure. We tripped up the Shinjuku Prefecture building for a last peek at Mt Fuji. Down below we met the Olympic mascots and saw information for the World athletics 2025 to be held in Tokyo.

Always fascinated by the food options and packaging as we browsed on supermarkets…

And on by bullet train (2 1/2 hours) and we were in Osaka. Just a short metro trip and then a wee walk and we were at our hotel. Our explore was beyond amazing. So many market style stalls down rows and rows of streets. We found a local restaurant and had a tasty bite although to be quite honest don’t think we really knew what we were doing. 😂😂

Final wow of the night was this kitchen shop. The photos really don’t do it justice. Toko Kitchens!!

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