Monday 3 June 2024

Kyoto again

Today we experienced tea farming and tasting. A gloriously long countryside drive during which the statisticians in our midst declared we’d been through 50 tunnels… that’s over 100 for the day. Up into the mountains and a gorgeous family who grow tea bushes and long onions (leeks). We tasted the new growth (2nd flush) and asked lots of questions. Saw a harvesting demo and tried freshly dried green tea and the roasted variety.

Lunch was sukiyaki but again I was fascinated by the shoe selection as we need to enter the restaurant without our shoes. Our venue was a local government facility so we were well fed and watered. Martin made friends with a calf and I was introduced to ski fields Kyoto style - summer variety of course. 

Another day and another shrine in Kyoto. Catherine, we visited this one but the garden wasn’t open in the winter but perhaps there was another festival on… Below are the advertising sake barrels - sponsorship at the shrines. 

Glorious garden. Of course we were told not to attempt the stepping stones - but, guess who…

Magnificent colours and the Japanese water irises were in flower. Simply gorgeous. Martin fed the carp and occasionally a wee turtle managed a bite. 

Loving the professionalism of the Shinkansen staff. They really are a treat to watch. These trains really are on task and get you there fast!! 

Oops. This pic is out of order but you get the picture. Happy days, J

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