Wednesday 7 August 2019

Ho Chi Minh #2

War Museum time. An interesting afternoon as we took ourselves off down the street to visit the War Monuments Museum. Quite a sobering display re the Vietnam War (they call it the American War) and it’s effects on the country including the continuing effects of Agent Orange. This added some context to yesterday’s trip to the tunnels. Road crossing fun again too. Lots of kids going by on small kids chairs in front of their parents on the scooters. Helmets mandatory here as are seatbelts in your busses.

These ladies had set up a waffle business outside. French style breads very common. Baguettes for breakfast on every street corner. 

NZ involvement in Vietnam.

Love the topiary trees. This just outside the museum. We have another day pottering here tomorrow then off to Hoi An on Friday. 

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