Wednesday 23 May 2018


Looking out over beautiful Toledo this morning - just have to ‘pinch’ myself!!
Toledo is the capital of the province Toledo and is an ancient walled city wth narrow streets, ancient architecture, lovely open plazas and perfect views! 

We started off yesterday visiting a beef feed lot. 10,000 bull beef produced annually. Basically a family business. 

Took the opportunity to climb up onto the water treatment plant for amazing views. This is just a small amount of the hay or straw used. The tractor driver can cart 3 bales at a time seemingly by feel ‘cos there was no way he could see where he was going. 

And on to amazing Toledo. What a treat. Lovely narrow streets. Canopy overhead on many as I imagine it would get very hot. Absolutely charming city. Fortunately we managed to find our way back to our hotel through the maze. :-)

Tasting at the Cheese Museum (differently aged sheep cheeses) came with instructions... sniff, lick, taste and chew thoroughly, breathe and repeat...AND a Temperanillo Rose. Heaven!

View of the city from over the river. Our hotel was near the impressive building at the top.,

Here it ts closer up - the Presidents residence we think.

Panoramic view from the walls of the city. 

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