Thursday 17 May 2018


It was a great flight from Christchurch yesterday. An older plane so the ICT entertainment options were dated but... lots of room which was brilliant. We stayed at the Park Royal on Beach Road which has a lovely pool. Great for tired legs and heat relief today. Just stayed in there until we cooled down. Now at the airport on the way to Barcelona. 

This morning we ventured out after breakfast initially to the Malay area. First stop a pose by the car share recharge point. Definitely a step up from bicycle sharing... lots of bikes locked in random places - not designated return areas??

Later, after a meet and greet with some of our travelling companions M & J set off to go up to the Marina Sands Hotel viewing area. 
Top left of building in the background...

How’s this for a view of the Gardens by the Bay..

And what would it be like to soak in this infinity pool? Only available for guests unfortunately. Hotel foyer as follows... amazing!

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