Saturday, 29 April 2017

Peurto Varas and Peurto Montt

Visited a Friesian Dairy farm and cheese factory this morning. Really interesting operation and tidy farm. Originally established by German settlers in 1890, the owner has been there 30 years and is trying to preserve all the old buildings yet modernise practises etc. Tried a product they make called manjar which is like sweetened condensed milk caramel. Apparently most housewives would have made it years ago but now there is a market for it. Oh yum...
Lunch was near the lake - a form of Chileam hangi- sausage, potato, mussels, pipis and bacon bones. What a feast!!

These boats were by our bus pick up. They cart people and goods all over the lake like taxis. Look a bit over laden at times.

Fish markets in Peurto Montt - eels and hake. Not sure whose hand is in the fruit and vegetable pic. Bye for now. Off to cross the border into Argentina tomorrow. 😎

1 comment:

  1. I remember manjar de leche. Deeeeeelicious but not good for the waistline! 😆
