Today we headed towards the Pacific Ocean. Our first stop was in the Curacuvi Valley - a dairy farm owned by the Barrows family for a number of generations. The family milk up to 800 cows housed in open barns with concrete floors - not a blade of grass in sight. All food grown on farm or brought in. The milk is processed mainly for soft cheeses with some milk sold to a larger Chilean firm for bottling. Unusually they keep all their steers to 300kg - the family are keen rodeo riders and supply stock to the rodeo. Out guide Terri is seen here talking to the son who runs the property.

We passed through a lot of vineyards and vegetable growing areas. The vegetables grown in this valley have to be ones you cook due to the water quality. We visited the shed of a family operation growing cauliflower, broccol, corn and squash. Beautiful vegetables all packed for the supermarket to fill a daily order. Chileans wouldn't consider eating any of those raw.

On to the coast. This view is looking south towards Valparaiso where the port is situated. Lunch ( 3 courses and Pisco sour...) was overlooking the ocean. Boats waiting out to sea as the port is quite small - only 6 cranes/ berths. In context - a cruise ship could take up 3 of the berths.

Our drive back to Santiago took 2 hours with traffic heavy at times - 2 tunnels through the hills. The longest was 3.5 km. Joke of the day.. What is the national bird of Santiago? - the construction crane. 😀
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