Saturday 25 May 2024


Bullet train from Tokyo to Kurikoma where our first port of call was a delicious lunch of steamed pork and vegetables (in the box still cooking) and all the yummy accompaniments. Then off to a wagu beef farm. Pic below of the barley crop and in the background what I thought might be snow. Turns out it is a solar panel farm and today we saw another being created on the other side of the valley on the way to Zeio. 

The rice farmer was giving his son instructions in planting the young rice plants they grow to this stage themselves. This was very interesting learning about such an important crop for Japan in which they are self-sufficient. 

This dairy farmer has diversified into making ice cream and sorbet and has a small cafe on his property. Miyuki, our guide leads the discussion. Earlier before lunch we had been out on Matsushima Bay to see where seaweed farms and oyster farms are in the area. 

We sneaked a peek at a former shogun residence. Moat still outside. Lovely older part of a village where we lunched. We’re staying in an older traditional hotel in Sendai - perfect for exploring and finding a meal/beer in cutsie wee restaurants. 

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