Sunday 10 January 2016


Great flight from Calgary this morning. The views of the Rockies were amazing as was the descent into Vancouver. We took the train into the city. Views also great until we went underground, mind you we sped up then. Only about 20 minutes into the city. Staying at the Holiday Inn on Howe St so really central. Spent the afternoon just wandering. 
Views from the Vancouver Lookout - like the Auckland tower - about 40 storeys high. 
Walked down and around Canada Place (above) and Coal Harbour (below). 
And via Denman St ( very ethnic foods- yummy smells) to the other side and the sun of English Bay. Lovely! Heaps of folk out on their Sunday walks. 
Nicola found her Street!!
How's this for a pano??

Saturday 9 January 2016

Banff last days and Calgary again


The whole team enjoyed powder hounding on our last day at Sunshine. 

Goats eye in the background on a sunny day.
Look out, here we come...
Saturday morning and Jane headed off to explore on the other side of town -the Banff Fairmont Springs Hotel. 
Views on the way to Calgary from the bus and then just down the road from our hotel:
This is a cement factory. The Rockies are made of limestone. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Powder time

Powder/snow day today so time for a quick yarn while I warm up/catch my breath! :-)

Thought I'd tell you about our morning routine...up and off in the dark using our Roam card to take the local bus into town. Off @ the1st stop and power walk to the Brewster bus to Sunshine. It's a16 km trip. Usually the bus driver has the heat on so it's nice and toasty.
We arrive in the dark. These pics are taken in the afternoon on the way home. 
The skies have lightened so I'm off again. Goats eye runs in the background in the following photo. Very exposed at the top but simply superb once you reach the tree line.
Bye for now⛄️🎿🎿

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Banff bits and pieces

Spotted on the supermarket. Lots of Jane stuff. Hee hee.
Loving the modifications on the mountain vehicles.
2.4km Banff Avenue. The alternative to the gondola down from Sunshine - a preferred option by most. A neat cruise!!
And at the end a seat outside rentals to wait upon mother who was taking photos. 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Sunshine again

Looks like Sunshine Valley is our preferred place. Actually it's quite neat and the snow super. No powder to date but the clouds have come in and we're ever hopeful. Goat's Eye lift has opened today which gives us a whole new area to ski. Such Fun!!
Nicola's waiting at the Jack Rabbit lift while Liam does a wee bit of cross country to get back to us. 
Another magic view from yesterday
J all rugged up in her Canadian gear. So much warmer!! :-)

Saturday 2 January 2016

Lake Louise

Boarded an earlyish bus to lLake Louise at about 8.30 today and we were on skis by 11.15. Ski hire was the hold up but maybe that's a weekend holiday thing. Again, amazing vistas and great skiing in the back bowls. We'd been told by the locals to avoid the front as it resembled concrete so we took the gondola up and skied the 3 lifts over in the back bowls. Back down the front just before closing and found it a bit slippery in places as we'd been warned. Another super day for the Hall/Harold ski team. ;-)

Friday 1 January 2016

Sunshine Village

Wow! An amazing place and day. Skiing superb. Friendly folk and my hire skis are magic today -or maybe I just have my ski legs!!  Gondola ride from the base station takes about 10-15 minutes and then...
Here you are. Have skied most of the lifts. Enjoying the snow and variety of terrain. 

More tomorrow when we have free wifi again. Xx